My “Super” Week in Indianapolis

Just in case you didn’t know, before I moved to the Big Apple, I spent 3 and half years in the great city of Indianapolis covering sports and I loved every second of it. I was actually down in Atlanta at the NFL owners’ meetings when Indy won the Super Bowl bid. So there was NO doubt I was going back for Super Bowl 46.

I arrived on Tuesday and from the moment I landed I felt so much pride for Indy. I was beaming from my ride from the airport to downtown. When I arrived downtown I was amazed to see “Super Bowl village”.  There were so many people and so much to do.  I’m not going to lie, that week was a whirlwind! The people I saw, the parties I went to, and the atmosphere of the city had me pinching myself every 3 seconds. I attended several parties including the playboy, EA, and NBC.  I was backstage with Snoop and the Roots, met Danny DeVito, went to a private screening of Adam Sandler’s new movie with Sandler and Vanilla Ice!

Danny DeVito. The nicest guy!

Ok, I know, I know, it sounds like I’m bragging (maybe I am a little, please forgive me) but honestly I’m still a little shocked that my life was that cool for those 6 days!

I’m sure you are wondering, “What about the game?” I actually wasn’t there to cover it. I was there strictly for fun. I have covered Super Bowls before and just wanted to enjoy the week leading up to the game. So, that is exactly what I did and if you EVER get a chance to enjoy the week of “Super Bowl celebrations”…DO IT! And let me mention one more time, Indianapolis did a FANTASTIC job hosting the Super Bowl. Yes, I’m a very proud adopted Hoosier.


Category: Travel

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